  • Corporate Partners

  • Corporate Partners

    One of our key objectives with this new website is to help promote our corporate members' business products and services. This 'co-branding' potential that comes with your membership in ACC now allows you to go further by advertizing directly through our website. By advertizing with us, you help us put even more emphasis on our core business of promoting a competitive business environment in Atlantic Canada.

    Here is what we offer you in terms of visibility.

    A demonstrated partnership and co-branding with the Atlantic Chamber of Commerce, the only organization with a business network presence in virtually every local community.

    This translates into:

    • A direct connection to our 100 member chambers and boards of trade in Atlantic Canada and their 16,000+ business members.
    • The opportunity to promote your organization to targeted audiences, to increase your visibility and influence key corporate and political decision-makers, and support economic growth in Atlantic Canada.
    • The opportunity to build your profile as a business leader, drive awareness of your brand, expand your influence, and make an immediate impact on all visitors to our site, which we are confident will translate into more business to you as a member.

    Strategic Partner - $5,000 

    Demonstrate your commitment to a prosperous Atlantic Canada and build your brand as a thought leader. 

    Your return on investment: 

    PremiumplacementofyourlogoonACCwebsite for six months 
    12-month listing in corporate directory on website 
    Premium sponsor locator on website map 
    Named sponsor at up to two ACC events 
    Opportunity to participate in key meetings with government 
    Opportunity to participate on the ACC board of directors 
    Opportunitytoparticipateinoneofthefour provincial advisory divisions 
    Promotional e-blast to members to a maximum of three times per year 

    Growth Partner - $2,500 

    Participate in the conversation about Atlantic Canada’s economic future and build a network with leaders across the region. 

    Your return on investment: 
    SideBarplacementofyourlogoonACCwebsite for three months 
    12-month listing in corporate directory on website 
    Named sponsor at one ACC event 
    Opportunity to participate on the ACC board of directors 
    Opportunitytoparticipateinoneofthefour provincial advisory divisions 
    2 e-blasts per year 

    Connect Partner - $1,000 

    Support Atlantic Canada’s largest business network. 

    Your return on investment: 
    12-month listing in corporate directory on website 
    Opportunity to participate on the ACC board of directors 
    Opportunitytoparticipateononeofthefour provincial advisory divisions 
    Promotional e-blast to members to a maximum of once per year

    Corporate Membership Brochure


    Programme de Publicité des Membres Corporatifs

    L’un des objectifs clés que nous visons avec ce nouveau site Web est d’aider à promouvoir les produits et les services de nos membres corporatifs. Ce potentiel de « comarquage » découlant de votre adhésion à la Chambre de commerce de l’Atlantique vous permet maintenant d’aller plus loin en faisant de la publicité directement par notre site Web. En nous choisissant pour votre publicité, vous nous aidez à mettre encore plus l’accent sur la promotion d’un milieu d’affaires concurrentiel au Canada atlantique, l’une de nos activités principales.

    Voici la sorte de visibilité que nous vous offrons. 

    Un partenariat démontré et le comarquage avec la Chambre de commerce de l’Atlantique, la seule organisation dont le réseau d’entreprises est représenté dans presque chaque localité.

    Cela vous offre:

    un lien direct avec nos chambres de commerce membres au Canada atlantique et à leurs 16 000 entreprises membres.
    la possibilité de promouvoir votre organisation auprès des groupes cibles pour accroître votre visibilité et influencer les principaux décideurs corporatifs et politiques, et appuyer la croissance économique au Canada atlantique.
    la possibilité de vous tailler un profil comme chef d’entreprise, de stimuler la notoriété de votre marque, d’élargir votre influence et d’avoir un impact immédiat sur tous les visiteurs à notre site; nous avons l’assurance que cela viendra grossir votre chiffre d’affaires en tant que membre.

  • Business Truth & Reconciliation Business Truth & Reconciliation

    The Atlantic Chamber of Commerce takes proactive steps to promote reconciliation and respect for Indigenous rights within the corporate sector. In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Call to Action 92, the Chamber urges its members to embrace the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a guiding framework.


    Recognizing the importance of education, the Chamber encourages businesses to provide comprehensive training for management and staff on the history of Indigenous peoples, including the legacy of residential schools, Indigenous rights, and Aboriginal-Crown relations. Emphasizing intercultural competency, conflict resolution, and anti-racism, these efforts aim to foster a more inclusive and harmonious corporate environment rooted in mutual understanding and respect.

    Learn more click here