NL Futures
Dr. Rob Greenwood Deputy Minister Rural and Regional Development and Engagement Chief Economic Development Officer Invites you to NL Futures.
NL Futures is an initiative of the Office of the Deputy Minister of Rural and Regional Development and Engagement and Chief Economic Development Officer, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. It is a “whole of government” initiative, that includes collaboration between provincial departments and agencies on issues that are important to all areas of the province and all economic sectors.
It also recognizes that the private and community sectors and other levels of government have important roles to play in the future prosperity of our province. We are starting our engagement process in May and will hold engagement sessions with key stakeholders into early fall. We will produce notes of what was said at these sessions based on your organization’s and/or region’s perspective on three key issues cutting across our economic development efforts: labour market issues; productivity; and rural / regional development capacity.
We want to know what you think is working and what could be scaled up or replicated; where you think there are gaps or problems that need to be fixed; and any other thoughts, ideas or suggestions you have on how we can enhance economic developmentNL FuturesDate and Time
Friday Aug 16, 2024
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM NDTLocation
Zoom link to be sent to all registrants the day before the meeting.
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Business Truth & Reconciliation
The Atlantic Chamber of Commerce takes proactive steps to promote reconciliation and respect for Indigenous rights within the corporate sector. In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Call to Action 92, the Chamber urges its members to embrace the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a guiding framework.
Recognizing the importance of education, the Chamber encourages businesses to provide comprehensive training for management and staff on the history of Indigenous peoples, including the legacy of residential schools, Indigenous rights, and Aboriginal-Crown relations. Emphasizing intercultural competency, conflict resolution, and anti-racism, these efforts aim to foster a more inclusive and harmonious corporate environment rooted in mutual understanding and respect.
Learn more click here